Date archives "January 2018"

Don’t Hate; Cooperate

“In his [free to download] new book, Ed Mayo brings together this rich story. Covering everything from the Commons to lending circles to labourer societies, this is a fresh take on the origins of co-operation form a leading voice in the global co-operative movement.”

Book of the Day: A short history of co-operation and mutuality

[English (PDF)] [Spanish (PDF)]

A Short History of Co-operation and Mutuality
Preface 1844 – The birth of co-operation
Chapter 1 Co-operation and the human story
Chapter 2 An ancient way of getting things done
Chapter 3 Craft and co-operation in Europe
Chapter 4 Traditions of co-operation
Chapter 5 A friendly turn
Chapter 6 From friendship to resistance
Chapter 7 Freedom and repression
Chapter 8 Out of Rochdale
Chapter 9 After 1844: Plymouth and Finland
Chapter 10 Self-help and state sponsorship in the twentieth century
Chapter 11 The co-operative sector today
Chapter 12 Co-operation and mutuality over time: a conclusion

Norway, the country where you can see everyone’s tax returns


In Norway, (since the 1800s) no one can disguise their earnings, as every citizen’s is made available for everyone else in the country to inspect. Workers can see what their colleagues earn and neighbours can snoop on how much the people next door make – all legally and online.

On a date every year in October, just after midnight, Norwegian citizens’ annual tax returns are posted online – and the country’s Norwegian newspapers leap to produce top ten lists of the country’s highest earners, the incomes and taxes paid by the political and cultural elites, celebrities and sportspeople. There are a few limits on how the data is disclosed. Only total income and total tax paid is revealed.