#TwitterTuesday: The Story of @Dog_Rates: Meet the DogFather

For @dog_rates, Nelson usually tweets twice on weekdays, at noon and 8 p.m. He’s never scheduled a tweet, and he’s the only one who has ever posted (except Blake Shelton, who took over the account for a day last September).

It usually takes about 20 minutes to perfect a caption. Once a tweet goes up, Nelson says he’s “glued to it” like a TV network executive in a control room, watching the number of favorites and retweets climb into the thousands.

But Nelson’s empire is built on more than that. His brand of humor has become world-wide-web famous. For example, his dog ratings almost always exceed 10/10 — because, as he once fired back at a critic upset at inflated scores, all dogs are “good dogs.” The @dog_rates community enjoys a host of inside jokes, like the one in which Nelson frequently faux-reprimands followers for sending in animals that aren’t dogs. He even played a role in developing the language DoggoLingo, popularizing puns like “pupset” and censoring “heck” to “h*ck.” Because dogs just don’t curse.



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