Posts in "Education"

Marie Curie, Ambulance Driver: The Trailblazing Scientist’s Little-Known Humanitarian Heroism and Her Life-Saving Mobile X-Ray Units

“Her wounds came from the same source as her power,”Adrienne Rich wrote in her sublime tribute to Marie Curie (November 7, 1867–July 4, 1934). The first woman to receive the Nobel Prize, Curie remains the only person ever awarded a Nobel in two different sciences. But, unbeknownst to most, she was also a humanitarian hero of unparalleled vision, determination, and courage.

Elaborate Birdhouses Resembling Miniature Palaces Built in Ottoman-Era Turkey

Historic Ottoman architecture was designed to accommodate more than its human inhabitants. Birds, in their own unique way, were welcomed to the ornate structures with their own avian-sized palaces that look just like miniature versions of the larger thing. Projecting from the façade of concrete buildings, the feathered friends would enter multi-story mansions complete with balconies on which to survey their world at large. Some of these amazing homes even included water troughs or “runways” fit for takeoffs and landings.